Sunday, October 22, 2006

Baby's first buttonhole.

The Pam sweater is still stagnating. I attempted the ribbed edging/collar twice before I broke down and swatched a buttonhole. Knitting five rows of 330 stitches each before discovering that the buttonhole directions Rowan gave yielded a hole which barely accomodated my pinky, let alone for a 5/8-inch leather button, was NOT cool. Equally not cool was the second go-round, when I experimented with buttonhole sizing and creation after knitting those same 330 stitches another 5 rows. That's when I broke down and swatched. And it still took me a while to figure out something that the button could fit through.

I modified the pattern from a yo, k2tog to--- binding off 3 stitches, and on the following row, yo 3 times. It's perfect, lemme tell ya. So if you have decided (perhaps foolishly) to follow my lead and knit this sweater, dear reader, this blog entry is the key to the kingdom (as far as the buttonholes go).

The edging/collar is finished now. It's a matter of seaming the shoulders and attaching the arms (already seamed), and seaming this latest piece on. Oh, and the buttons! Let's not forget those.

I'll eventually make one last groan and get this baby out. . .


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