I resolve
I resolve. . .
1. To take my vitamins. I have jumbo bottles which accompanied me from Texas nearly 2 years ago, and they're mostly full (Fergon, B complex, C, and a multi). Why did I buy such massive bottles? Why did I pay to ship them here, when all they're doing is taking up space? I could have the glow of a pregnant woman by now.
2. To exercise more. I don't like to formally exercise, unless you consider running in the park formal. I don't like gyms. I guess I view gyms the same way that George Clooney views marriage: too confining. But I've turned into a pile of pudge here in the lab. Really, I have. The photos on this site lie. I airbrushed them all. :o)
3. To de-clutter. I am suffocating in this apartment, and nothing is opening up in this building anytime soon. Something has to give. I have to give. Give away, that is.
4. To try all the recipes in my cookbooks (French Cooking, Indian Cooking by Madhur Jaffrey, and some random but good book my mother gave me). The exception: I won't eat organ meats. Do I really need to explain why?
5. To read the following books: Lincoln's Melancholy, Under a Marble Sky, The Tipping Point, Mayflower, 1776, HRH, The Red Tent, Zippora, Lilah, Sarah.
6. To watch the following movies: The Pursuit of Happyness, Queen, The Holiday, A Good Year, MI-3, Dream Girls, The Good Shepherd, Proof, The Black Dahlia.
7. Take Step III of the USMLE exam. (this involves shelling out I'm imagining about $500)
8. Knitting: Use up the yarn I already have. No more new #&$*.
9. Learn more Spanish (this includes proper grammar) so I can communicate better with my patients. . . Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!
10. Have major surgery in which my face is splayed open. Yes, we're on the dockett!! February 13 is the big day. Don't worry, it's not a Friday. I told you I would find a way to Make It Happen. What I want, I get, one way or another. My stubbornness is my best quality.
Porque el USMLE? Donde estudio medicina? English is my second language :)
Hable Espanol cuando fue en la escuela. Pero, no recuerdo mucho, ahora. El clase de Espanol fue mi favorito, en escuela. Yo fue el mejor en mi clase. Ahora, mi gramatica es muy mala. :)
Hablo poquito espanol. Comprende mas. And the spelling I'm sure is atrocious.
-- Como estas? Que paso?
Tiene fiebre? Frio y caliente?
Tiene mal en la espalda? --La cabeza? el estomago? los rinones? Tiene mal quando orinar? Sangre quando orinar? Tossa? Vomito? Sangre quando vomito? Caminado? Comido? --que comido, carne? (I had a young gastric cancer patient tell me 3 days after we removed part of his stomach and intestines that he was eating carne! Bad bad bad!) Preguntas? Necessito mi jefe, uno momento, por favor. . .
And for trauma/neuro:
No se mueve. Respira profunda.
Muestre me dos dedos. (Trauma patients usually flip me TWO birds at this point)
That's basically the extent of my Spanish.
And the USMLE--there are 3 steps. You take the first after the first 2 years of medical school, before you start the clinical years. the first step is mostly basic science, biochem and pharm sort of things. You take the second in the fall of your fourth year, around the time you interview for residency, so it becomes tricky whether or not you want to have them immediately report your score to programs or not. Step 2 is slightly more clinical, and after I took it, they instituted another part to Step 2 which requires you to interview and examine "mock" patients to test bedside manners and interviewing/exam skills. Step 3 I have been told is basically an endurance test and spans 2 days. Everything is computerized, and one day is spent doing multiple choice questions (8 hours) on the computer. The second day again is more of a patient interaction thing, where you are given a patient that presents with such-and-such problem, what do you do first? You can request labs, get a thorough history, or make a consult at any point, and they will give you the lab results (which may be normal, and in that case, you probably went in the wrong direction). Or you will get more info on the history and then can make a decision, or if you ask for a consult, they may say something like, "the neuro team is in the OR and can't make it to your patient for several hours" in which case you chose wrong. Sometimes they will have the patient "crash" on you, too, which means you probably didn't do a thorough exam (to find the tension pneumothorax or internal bleeding). I don't know if this part is computerized as well, or if it is oral, a one-on-one thing with a board examiner.
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